Alexa Echo Show 8

Reviewing the Alexa Echo Show 8: Frugal Way to a Smart Home

If this doesn’t seem like an article on country or frugal living, I would agree. I am not normally that person who goes for the latest tech gadgets. So why am I reviewing an Echo Show? Let me catch you up. Last year during my stay with my daughter and In-in-law I got acquainted with Alexa. I learned that Alexa was an AI unit that could turn your ordinary house into a smart home. She is able to give daily weather forecasts, answer questions, etc. Still, I had no idea how handy this little device could do until we got one for Christmas.

A Gift that Serves

The unit that we received is the Alexa Echo Show 8 from Amazon. I wasn’t sure how much we would actually use it. But for us, it has been so handy. I tested positive for Covid the day after Christmas (The nightmare after Christmas!). I went home with several medications and a new inhaler. This Covid bug is a nasty little piece of work. It left my brain a bit foggy and my body so tired that I found it hard to stay awake.

That’s where the Echo came in. I was able to set reminders for each medication, and when they were due Alexa would announce a reminder. Alexa has become my personal assistant during this illness. She is also good company when you find yourself quarantined in a room alone. I am still learning what Alexa can do, and I am excited to learn. So this country bumpkin has found a tech gadget that I like and would actually recommend.

What She Can Do

I was instantly amazed at its ability to play songs on demand. She can also play live local newscasts, and Youtube videos, watch movies, find recipes for you, act as a photo display for your digital photos, answer questions, and give news updates and weather forecasts. She can log into podcasts, play white noise to help you sleep, recommend books, keep track of a personal calendar, and make lists, among other things. I am still learning all that the Alexa Echo is capable of doing but what has been most useful is her ability to set reminders. Oh, you can even change the name of your device to one of several supplied names. There is even the option to have it use different accents and voices.

What I Wish She Could Do…

As amazing as this little device is, there are a few things that I wish she could do. It would be amazing if I could print the lists that I have created or recipes that I have found using its search engine. You can set one contact as an emergency contact call, but you can’t use Alexa to call 911. It will not take place of an emergency call device.

Is it worth the investment?

These little units are not very expensive ( thus the frugal living part). You can pick one up for under a hundred dollars. The stand had to be bought separately. For the Echo to work, you do need an Amazon Prime Account. You also need the Internet, unlimited is probably best. Luckily we had both of those already. The Echo can link to some android phones and to iPhones. The Echo can be linked to accessories such as smart plugs used to turn outlets and devices off and on at will. It can be linked to both indoor and outdoor video cameras that work as security monitors when you are away from home, giving peace of mind that doesn’t cost you an arm and a leg. In our case, I figure the accessories will make their way to us as gifts over the next few years. I wouldn’t mind a security camera aimed at my garden. Maybe I can use it to keep a few critters away, says she jokingly!

On a more serious note, I have Meniere’s Disease. The Echo will allow me to set my daughter as my one emergency call contact. I know it will be as assuring to her (to know that if I get sick and her dad is not here, I can easily contact her) as it will be for me. This feature alone makes the Echo worth the investment.

This is the unit that we have: Alexa Echo Show 8. We received a stand with ours for Christmas, and there are several other accessories that you can get to use with your Echo. I see a new video doorbell in the near future, and maybe a few other upgrades as well. But I can say that this is one of the best Christmas gifts we could have received.

I Love Our Echo Show 8

The past year brought many changes. Some good, and some heartbreaking. I learned that I can run a cash register at a new job! We became grandparents. We lost loved ones, and the state faced several natural disasters. I started the blog. We grew a backyard garden. And now, we have a “sorta-smart” home!

If this didn’t seem like an article on “country” or “frugal” living when you started reading, well I hope you have changed your mind. I found the Alexa Echo 8 to be a frugal option for those who want to add a bit of security to their home, simply love listening to music through an amazing speaker system, or need a hand with organization. As for the country part, well I plan to use her calendar feature to record when I should plant different crops, and use her reminder feature to remind me to water the plants. Whether your New Year starts by buying an Echo or making plans to move you forward in a whole new direction, I hope that it will be an amazing year for you all.

You all stop back by soon,


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